Come to rest, write by hand again, with a pointed pen and ink, in a very nostalgic way. Get away from the computer, get the feeling of writing slowly again and feel the difference to write with pen and ink.

Introduction to the art of calligraphy. Trying things out, gaining new experiences, getting to know different writing tools. I would like to awaken your curiosity about this wonderful art, which has meditative effects. Calligraphy can do so much, and it is a real mood booster.
Offer: 3 lessons of 2 hours each, every 2 weeks
Course fee: CHF 145.00.- incl. ink, 2 nibs, penholder, paper, templates. Please pay the fee before the beginning of the course by TWINT 079 311 72 61 or transfer
IBAN: CH90 0483 5060 7340 4000 0
HB pencil
Eraser, ruler
Zipper bag for the ink